First Post

Might as well blog

It’s been a while since I’ve maintained a blog with any kind of regularity, but my upcoming Fulbright to Ukraine has prompted me to start up a new one. For those of you who, like my parents, would worry without any regular updates, look! You can get your updates here. And without the mass group email.

I’ll still be active on twitter, but this medium allows for longer posts with more pictures and stuff. Consider it a facebook replacement that you don’t have to feel obligated to like every post or picture I put up.

As far as the frequency of posts, I want to put up a new one every week or so, but I imagine that occasionally I won’t be in a place with reliable internet (or that I really just didn’t do anything interesting that week).

But if you want to contact me while I’m in Ukraine, you should check out the About page that has all my contact info.

The picture’s one I took when living in Ivano-Frankivsk in 2007